The Intendancy of Canelones, is the government body that exercises executive power in the Department of Canelones, in the south of Uruguay. Created on December 18, 1908. Its mission is to promote sustainable development, equity, improvement in the quality of life of the residents, and the construction of citizenship in the Department of Canelones, with sound financial management and coordinated policies at regional and national levels. In addition, it affects public transportation, city care, waste, public lighting, among other social actions.

Costa Canelones
Intendencia de Canelones

About the Client:
The challenge:
The Departmental Administration of Canelones (IDC) and the Eastern Regional University Center (CURE) signed an agreement, where one of the main components was related to the handling and management of the coasts of the Department of Canelones. To improve the work, a web application was needed that would allow entering, searching and consulting information related to the coastal areas of Canelones. Starting from an existing database, the system should have a friendly interface, improving the interaction and understanding of the information by the user.
This system was expected to enable the registration and management of geographical information about the coasts of Canelones, improving decision-making processes. Furthermore, it needed to be supported by up-to-date technologies that would facilitate easy maintenance and updates.

The solution:
DigitalProjex implemented a web application based on the latest web development technologies. Forms were developed for the registration and consultation of information, as well as to facilitate the management of geographic information, the process of entering files generated by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was automated and simplified. An intuitive information architecture was implemented, with an attractive design and facilities for searching and filtering information. In addition, the management of roles and permissions was incorporated, giving the possibility of processing all the elements of the system and editing information packages.

The result:
The Municipality of Canelones currently has an updated web application, of remarkable robustness in different aspects for its performance. The system has a friendly and intuitive user interface and a high degree of conformity for its use. It is a secure and easy-to-administer system, it allows the management of geographic information from work with maps and locations, which facilitates precision in the management of the coastal areas of Canelones, which is why it represents a great impact for decision-making in the Environmental Management Department (DGGA) of the IDC.
DigitalProjex seamlessly joined the project, quickly understanding our needs and significantly enhancing the development of our product. Their assistance came at the right moment, demonstrating great commitment and interest in addressing our concerns and requirements. The interaction was always bidirectional, supported by technical expertise while maintaining a human touch and close collaboration from their technical team.
Dr. Juan Pablo Lozoya Azcárate
Associate Professor (CURE)