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RiegOK V 2.0

United Irrigators of Uruguay (RUU)

PostgreSQL , AngularJS , Python

About the Client:

Regadores Unidos del Uruguay (RUU) is a non-profit civil association established in 2013, dedicated to supporting irrigation in all its forms and defending the interests of irrigators. Its mission includes promoting individual and cooperative irrigation, fostering the creation of new water sources, and supporting local development. RUU stands out for its analytical platform that is representative at the national level and for the commitment and expertise of its members, many of whom have been pioneers in irrigation activities for over 20 years.

The Challenge:

In Uruguay, the development of irrigation faces significant challenges due to irregular rainfall and soils with moderate water storage capacity, which limit agricultural productivity. Although there has been a notable increase in the adoption of irrigation in agriculture and dairy farming, the expansion in livestock farming is slow, and irrigation covers only small proportions of the crop area. Despite favorable policies and incentives, certain issues persist: a lack of accessible tools for irrigation scheduling, uncertainties regarding yields and limitations, and concerns about the impact on soil sustainability, which restrict the producers' ability to effectively manage irrigation systems and make new investments.


The Solution:

DigitalProjex developed a Geographic Information System (GIS) for water balance that is publicly accessible and based on web technology. This solution allows for the hydric characterization of soils, the input of agronomic variables for crops, and the use of climate databases to provide weekly irrigation needs scheduling based on existing rainfall and irrigation data. It enables the diagnosis of productivity on farms and the design of trials and simulations to improve it. Additionally, it facilitates the study of the impact of irrigation on soil organic carbon.


The Result:

This system optimizes irrigation scheduling by relying on updated rainfall and irrigation data, which reduces water waste and improves efficiency in the use of water resources. Furthermore, it allows for diagnosing and improving productivity on farms through simulations and analyses, while its capability to study the impact of irrigation on soil organic carbon promotes more sustainable management. By providing access to crucial information about the hydric characterization of soils and agronomic variables, the system supports hundreds of producers in making more informed and responsible decisions.

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