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How to migrate from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10

In this article, we explain how DigitalProjex, experts in Drupal, help you migrate from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10. Discover the essential tips to make this process smooth and uncomplicated.
Drupal 10

Migrating from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 can be a challenge, and at DigitalProjex, with our experience in working with Drupal, we understand the complexities involved. There is not a single way to make this update, as it depends on various factors such as the system structure, compatibility of installed modules and themes, and any custom code in your project. In this article, we will explore the key points to consider for a successful migration, offering practical tips to facilitate the process.

Steps to migrate:

1. Create a backup of your Drupal website. This is important in case something goes wrong during the migration. You can use a Drupal backup tool or simply copy the files and database of your website.

2. Install the Upgrade Status module, which provides information on the status of available updates for your website and checks if it meets the requirements of the next version of Drupal.

3. Update custom code, if the project has custom modules or themes, it is your responsibility to ensure that code is compatible with Drupal 10. To validate custom code, it is important to validate the code with PHPStan.

4. Update all modules, themes, and the Drupal core to the latest available version before Drupal 10.

5. Check the compatibility status with Drupal 10 in the administrative menu /admin/reports/upgrade-status to take action. Once you have addressed all blockers for a Drupal 10 update, you will see "N/A" in the Fix incompatibilities column and "100%" in the RELAX column.

6. Update the Drupal core using composer:

composer require drupal/core:"^10.0" --no-update
composer require drupal/core-recommended:"^10.0" --no-update
composer update

If this is successful, you will see a line like the following in the output

- Upgrading drupal/core-dev (9.5.x => 10.x.x):

7. Run database updates.

Migrating from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 can be a key step in improving your website. With the help of DigitalProjex, the process can be easier and more successful. Remember to back up your data before starting and follow the tips we have shared. If you need additional help, do not hesitate to contact us. 

We are here to ensure that your transition is successful and smooth. Thank you for following our advice and we wish you success in your update to Drupal 10!

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