DigitalProjex Leaves Its Mark at Florida DrupalCamp 2025

The DigitalProjex team recently returned from Florida DrupalCamp, which took place from February 21 to 23, 2025, at Florida Technical College in Orlando, FL. The event was a great opportunity to connect with the vibrant Drupal community and share experiences with other professionals and companies from around the world.
During the camp, DigitalProjex actively participated in various sessions and workshops, learning about the latest trends and advancements in Drupal. We also had the chance to share our own experiences and knowledge with other attendees.
One of the highlights was the training on Drupal CMS, led by Michael Anello from DrupalEasy. This project redefines the way we work with Drupal, simplifying the initial experience for new users and speeding up their adoption. Drupal CMS has the potential to change the narrative surrounding Drupal.
We also attended a talk on web development with Drupal Headless, given by Alexei Gorobet (Director of Engineering at JAKALA) and Jesus Manuel Olivas (CEO and Co-founder at Octahedroid). They shared innovative ideas to tackle key challenges in technology.
The Florida DrupalCamp 2025 was a success for DigitalProjex. We returned home inspired, with new ideas and renewed enthusiasm for Drupal.
We look forward to the next edition!