Developing a digital tool to prevent cervical cancer

In Uruguay, cervical cancer is a big deal when it comes to public health. It ranks fifth in terms of cancer mortality in women and fourth in incidence, with an average of 313 new cases per year. Even though this cancer could be wiped out in the country with the right prevention measures, there's still a significant number of girls and women not following the prevention recommendations, putting them at risk of developing the disease.
To tackle this issue, a project has been launched to create an innovative technological tool aiming to drastically reduce the incidence of this type of cancer and potentially eradicate it in the future. The National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) has assigned the project to the private companies DigitalProjex, ATGen, and ThalesLab, in collaboration with the Honorary Commission for the Fight against Cancer, the Ministry of Public Health, and the State Health Services Administration (ASSE).
The proposed tool, called HPVuy, is a web application that will serve as a constant guide for users, offering detailed information on cervical cancer and its prevention. Its goal is to ensure all women have access to prevention measures by sending notifications and reminders for each stage of the prevention or treatment process.
This app will enhance women's adherence and access to different prevention stages, including HPV vaccination, screening, study, and treatment of detected lesions. It will also provide features like tracking vaccination and/or screenings done or pending, sending reminders, tracing consultations or tests, identifying consulted professionals, and suggesting next steps within the healthcare system.
The main aim of this initiative is to reach the most vulnerable population, especially those using public services through ASSE, to progressively move towards the goals set by the World Health Organization for 2030. By implementing this tool, it's expected to achieve greater effectiveness in preventing and treating cervical cancer, ultimately improving women's health in Uruguay.
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